Biography of a Painting: Robert Hinckley's "The First Operation with Ether", Dr. Anand Karnad
Wednesday, April 14th at 6pm via Zoom
This talk explores the history of medicine (in this case, the first public demonstration of ether anesthesia) by reviewing details of a major work of art that depicts a landmark event. The focus will be on the work of art, the artist, and the context of its creation.
Anand Karnad, M.D. is Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology-Oncology, Department of Medicine, Mays Cancer Center UT Health MD Anderson, member and Past President of the Executive Board of the Friends of the P.I. Nixon Medical Historical Library at the Long School of Medicine, and a member of the American Osler Society. Dr. Karnad is an advocate for teaching history of medicine at all levels of training, and is the author of a biography, "Intrinsic Factors: William Bosworth Castle and the Development of Hematology and Clinical Investigation at Boston City Hospital."
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The Neuroinfectious Pandemics and Epidemics from Antiquity to the Present, Dr. Eithan Kotkowski
Wednesday, April 28th at 6pm via Zoom
What is the closest we have come to a zombie apocalypse? If this present COVID-19 pandemic has done anything, it is reinvigorated our interest, fascination, and fear of apocalyptic scenarios spurred by infectious diseases. More specifically, popular culture has indicated that our fascination is biased towards infectious diseases that target the nervous system. In this presentation, we will discuss neuroinfectious diseases of history that have reached pandemic or epidemic status, and what that means for the future of pandemics.
Eithan Kotkowski, Ph.D. is undertaking the final year of UT Health's 8-year-long M.D., Ph.D. program. He obtained his Ph.D. in Radiological Sciences: Neuroscience Imaging in 2019, will be graduating from medical school in May of 2021 and will begin his residency in Neurology in July of 2021. Eithan also served as the Friends of the P.I. Nixon Medical Historical Library's first student president in 2018.
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Leonardo Anatomist, Dr. Ron Philo
Wednesday, May 12th at 6pm via Zoom
An introduction and overview of the anatomical drawings of Leonardo da Vinci
Ron Philo, Ph.D. is a retired Senior Lecturer, former director of willed-body programs at UT Health Houston and UT Health San Antonio, and former Chair of The Anatomical Board of The State of Texas. Dr. Philo has coauthored three art catalogs on the anatomical drawings of Leonardo da Vinci. Each was coauthored with Martin Clayton of Royal Collection Trust. These catalogs are Leonardo da Vinci: The Anatomy of Man (1992); Leonardo da Vinci: The Mechanics of Man (2010); and Leonardo da Vinci: Anatomist (2012). The catalogs were prepared for exhibitions of Leonardo drawings in Houston, Vancouver and London, respectively. An app was also produced with the Leonardo: Anatomist book—it is called ‘Leonardo da Vinci Anatomy’, by Royal Collection Trust, Primal, and TouchPress. Dr. Philo obtained his BS and MS degrees from Southwest Texas State University, and his Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. He is a native Texan and currently live in Austin, Texas with his wife, Joyce Anne LeMaistre, MD.
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Thank you to all the students, faculty, and staff members who participated in Briscoe Library's 4th Annual Image of Research Photography Competition! Our multidisciplinary panel of judges have made their final decisions and the winners will be announced during our Fiesta Celebration on April 15th. Special thanks to this year's judges: Andrea Giuffrida, Ph.D., Mark Nijland, Ph.D., Joann Jordan, M.A., RDH, and M. Danet Lapiz-Bluhm, Ph.D., RN, MSCI.
Stay tuned via Briscoe Library's social media accounts for the winners announcement. Facebook | Twitter | Instagram