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This is an introduction to getting started with EndNote for UT Health users.

Organizing Your Library

In your EndNote library you can organize references by topic, class, assignment, or any other category you would like. To create Groups, right click under My Groups then choose Create Group.

Create groups to organize your references. Groups are like file folders on your computer, but a reference can be in more than one group at a time. In other words, a book on the Civil War could be filed in your "Civil War" group, your "Georgia History" group and your "19th Century America" group without having to make three copies of the reference. You can also create Group Sets to organize your groups as well as Smart Groups which automatically populate based on criteria that you set, for instance add all references containing the word "diabetes" to a group as they are added to your library.

Groups menu in EndNote

You can also detect and remove duplicate citations in your library by clicking on Library then Find Duplicates.

Deduplicating your Library

Find duplicates menuWhen you import items from many databases, and over time, you may import the same reference more than once. You can remove duplicate references by following these steps.

  1. Select the Group you would like to deduplicate, or select All References to deduplicate your entire library.
  2. From the EndNote menu, click Library then Find Duplicates.
  3. After a few moments you should see the dialog shown to the right.
  4. From here, you can either:
    1. Go through the citations one by one selecting Keep this Record for each item (see screenshot on the left below) -OR-
    2. Click the small x to close this dialog. This will take you to the Duplicates folder and you can simply press Delete to delete the green highlighted items (these are all duplicates, see screenshot on the right below)


Find duplicates dialog

Adding Full Text PDFs to EndNote

EndNote does not automatically save PDFs along with citations, but there are a few ways to include attachments if you wish. Keep in mind that attachments take up space on your computer and in your EndNote account.

1 - Automatically invoke Find Full Text. EndNote can search for full text for items automatically or on an individual basis. First you will need to add the library proxy ( to Find Full Text in your settings menu (Edit > Settings in Windows, EndNote > Settings in macOS). Unfortunately this process cannot find all available full text so for items that are not found, full text must be added manually as described in 2 & 3 below.

EndNote Find Full Text Dialog

2 - Attach files manually by dragging a PDF (or other file) into your EndNote pane.  Dropping a file onto a Group, or in between library items, will copy it into your library as a standalone item.  Dropping it onto an existing item will attach it to that item.

3 - Attach files manually by using the Attach files dialog option at the top of the right column. Click Attach Files then browse to the location of the PDF on your computer to add PDFs.