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AI in Health Sciences & Academia

Ethical Considerations Around AI

  • AI generated image of "ethical considerations in AI"The use of AI in healthcare presents substantial ethical challenges and therefore requires careful consideration.
  • A range of individual and societal harms could emerge from abuse, misuse, inadequate design, and other potentially unintended consequences of AI.
  • A few major considerations are listed below.

Bias and Fairness

  • Due to the nature of reliance on existing data, AI systems can perpetuate or amplify biases that are present in training data or past medical practices.
  • This can lead to unfair treatment, especially among underrepresented populations.

Transparency and Interpretability

  • Healthcare decisions made using AI have profound implications.
  • It is important for patients and clinicians to understand and trust the AI recommendations.
  • Without transparency it can be challenging to account for errors and misjudgements.

Data Privacy vs. AI Efficacy

  • Vast quantities of data are required by AI for optimal function.
  • This needs to be balanced against patients' rights to data privacy and protection.
  • Information entered into AI models through questions and prompts are typically integrated into the models training data.
    • e.g. if one asks ChatGPT a question that contains private or sensitive information, for instance about a patient, then that information becomes a part of the data searched when other users make future queries using ChatGPT

Global Access and Equity

  • There is an ethical imperative to ensure that AI benefits are extended beyond wealthy and privileged
  • As AI becomes more integrated, this will be required in order to prevent the widening of health disparities.

From UNM AI in Health Sciences Guide