All 3D models will have three measurements to them: height, width, and depth. These correspond to the Z, X, and Y axes.
These axes indicate both the measurement of the model and the direction in which it may move in 3D space. For example a model can be 15mm wide, and also move 15mm along the X axis.
3D modeling software can use many different units of measurement, but it is suggested to work in millimeters (mm) when possible.
You will need to keep all of your dimensions in mind when editing, especially if you want your object to remain proportional. Resizing one dimension without resizing the others, will result in a model that is skewed and deformed.
Keep in mind the menus and tool names may be different between software products but the effects should be the same.
Remember when designing that you can make anything on a digital canvas, but not every design can be translated to a 3D printable object.
A few rules of thumb to keep in mind when designing are: