PubMed® comprises more than 30 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.
Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings.
A collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision. Databases include: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL); Cochrane Methodology Register; Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects; Health Technology Assessment Database; NHS Economic Evaluation Database; and Cochrane Review Groups.
Turning Research Into PracticeA clinical search engine designed to retrieve high quality research evidence such as systematic reviews, guidelines, medical images, patient leaflets, and peer-reviewed articles. The aim of the TRIP database is to allow health professionals to easily find the highest-quality material available on the web in support of evidence-based practice.
Cumulative Index of Nursing & Allied Health Literature
Provides indexing for 3,024 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health, with indexing back to 1937. Offering complete coverage of English-language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses’ Association, it covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines.
Developed by the American Psychological Association (APA), this collection is devoted to peer-reviewed literature in behavioral science and mental health. Includes information about the psychological aspects of related fields such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, pharmacology, and others. Coverage is from 1800's to the present.
Essential Evidence Plus is a powerful, comprehensive clinical decision support system that integrates information on 9,000 diagnoses into healthcare professionals' clinical workflows. This clinical tool, created by an international team of renowned medical experts, was developed for physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals on the front line of patient care.
EE+ features over 13,000 topics, guidelines, abstracts, tools, images, and summaries covering the most common conditions, diseases, and procedures clinicians come in contact with every day. Every recommendation carries a strength-of-evidence rating that accurately grades each recommendation's merit on the basis of all of the evidence available in the relevant literature.
Clinical Resources
A collection of electronic textbooks, drug information, videos, animations, and a differential diagnosis tool. Also includes self-assessment tools. Accessible via mobile device.
A comprehensive collection of medical and surgical resources in a variety of specialties designed to support evidence-based clinical care and clinical education. ClinicalKey is an upgraded and expanded version of MD Consult that offers full text access to selected medical textbooks, medical journals, practice guidelines, drug information, patient handouts, and CME materials.
Micromedex is a database of drug and pharmacological information, including drug interactions and drug identification.
JAMAevidence is an online medical resource with guides and resources that help decision-makers identify the best available evidence by providing guides to the systematic consideration of the validity, importance, and applicability of claims about the assessment of health problems and the outcomes of health care.
This tool uses predefined filters (for Clinical Study Categories, Systematic Reviews, Medical Genetics, and COVID-19) to help you quickly refine PubMed searches on clinical or disease-specific topics.
A collection of full text, authoritative healthcare resources in a variety of specialties, such as Emergency/Critical Care, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Infectious Disease, Nursing, Evidence-based Medicine, Drug Information, and Surgery. Content consists of ebooks, EBM practice guidelines, drug information, EBM calculator, patient hand-outs, and medical news feeds.
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Greenfield's Surgery by Michael W. MulhollandRevised, updated, and enhanced from cover to cover, the Sixth Edition of Greenfield's Surgery: Scientific Principles and Practice remains the gold standard text in the field of surgery. It reflects surgery's rapid changes, new technologies, and innovative techniques, integrating new scientific knowledge with evolving changes in surgical care. Updates to this edition include new editors and contributors, and a greatly enhanced visual presentation. Balancing scientific advances with clinical practice, Greenfield's Surgery is an invaluable resource for today's residents and practicing surgeons. Key Features: Features enhanced, full-color illustrations, clinical photographs, key teaching points, and decision-making algorithms for quick reference to key information. Covers general scientific principles such as inflammation, shock, nutrition, pain management, and much more, followed by surgical practice chapters arranged by organ system. Introduces two new editors, Hasan Alam, MD and Timothy Pawlik, MD, who bring a fresh perspective and vision to this classic reference. Showcases the scientific and clinical expertise of more than 200 contributing authors, each an active practitioner in the field of surgery. Includes two new chapters on Obesity and Preoperative Risk Assessment. eBook version features over 40 "Morbidity and Mortality" case discussions and an Interactive Quesiton Bank with nearly 900 questions Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive eBook edition, which can be downloaded to your tablet and smartphone or accessed online and includes features like: Complete content with enhanced navigation Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links that pull results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues
ISBN: 9781469890012
Publication Date: 2016-12-13
Scientific American Surgery by Stanley W. Ashley (Editor in Chief)cientific American Surgery Returns! Decker Intellectual Properties Inc. has signed a licensing agreement with Scientific American to re-establish the comprehensive professional surgical database, Scientific American Surgery. First published in 1989 under the name Care of the Surgical Patient, now includes an enhanced surgical offering through this agreement with Scientific American. For the past eleven years (2002-2013), the resource was known as American College of Surgeons (ACS) Surgery.
Scientific American Surgery has a reputation of providing practicing surgeons and students with comprehensive and up-to-date surgical information. Now, Scientific American will offer the editors of SAS access to Scientific American Magazine's vast archive and cutting-edge reporting to incorporate relevant articles into the surgical database.
Scientific American Surgery is a continuously updated online resource. It covers all subspecialties of surgery plus Competency-Based Surgical Care, Care in Special Situations, Scientific Foundations, and Organ Systems. SAS provides clear and actionable diagnostic and procedural recommendations.
This title updates: Monthly
Publication Date: 2018
An evidence-based, physician-authored clinical decision support resource used to make point-of-care decisions. Specialties include Adult Primary Care, Cardiology, Family Practice, Gynecology, Infectious Diseases, Oncology, Pediatrics, Women’s Health, and others. Mobile app is available. On campus registration required. Re-verify once every 90 days
Current Surgical Therapy by John L. Cameron (Editor); Andrew M. Cameron (Editor)An essential resource for written, oral, and recertifying board study, as well as an excellent reference for everyday clinical practice, Current Surgical Therapy, 14th Edition, provides trusted, authoritative advice on today's best treatment and management options for general surgery. Residents and practitioners alike appreciate the concise, highly formatted approach to each topic, as well as the practical, hands-on advice on selecting and implementing current surgical approaches from today's preeminent general surgeons. This highly regarded text remains the only surgical reference of its kind, offering a complete array of topics and delivering just the key facts. Covers virtually every problem that a general surgeon may encounter, synthesizing vast amounts of information into concise, digestible chapters. Provides thoroughly updated information throughout, including focused revisions to the most in-demand topics. Presents each topic using the same easy-to-follow format: disease presentation, pathophysiology, diagnostics, and surgical therapy. Includes eight all-new surgical videos covering enteral stents in the treatment of colonic obstruction; multiple management approaches to spigelian, obturator, and lumbar hernias; spontaneous and secondary pneumothorax, and acute mesenteric ischemia. Features more than 2,000 illustrations-line drawings, graphs, algorithms, clinical/operative photographs, micrographs, and radiological images-including hundreds new to this edition. Integrates minimally invasive surgical techniques, basic science, and critical care aspects of surgical practice throughout. Discusses which approach to take, how to avoid or minimize complications, and what outcomes to expect. Provides a quick, efficient review prior to surgery and when preparing for surgical boards and ABSITEs. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
ISBN: 9780323796835
Publication Date: 2022-12-15
Introduction to the Operating Room by Amalia Cochran; Ruth BragaA unique "survival manual" for clinicians new to the operating room This one-of-a-kind resource answers all the questions that newbie clinicians , nurses, and allied health workers have about the Operating Room but are afraid to ask. It is a complete and candid explanation of the sights, sounds, technologies, personalities, and culture that readers will experience when they enter that complex, stress-inducing world. Introduction to the Operating Room delivers the practical, real-world guidance newcomers need to ensure patient safety and their own career success. The book is logically divided into two sections: Part 1 discusses the people of the Operating Room and includes companion video interviews that clarify roles and expectations. This section also delves into the politics and culture of the Operating Room. Part 2 is devoted to the equipment of the Operating Room. · The first book to combine a description of OR people/culture/rules with discussion of equipment/technology · Includes a valuable glossary of "Operating Speak" that translates the language of the Operating Room to everyday language · A great resource to help readers impress the attendings and staff of the Operating Room
SCHWARTZ's PRINCIPLES of SURGERY 2-Volume Set 11th Edition by F. Charles Brunicardi; Dana K. Andersen; Timothy R. Billiar; David L. Dunn; John G. Hunter; Lillian Kao; Jeffrey B. Matthews; Raphael E. PollockThe BEST EDITION yet of the #1 text for surgical practice and education A Doody's Core Title for 2022! For half-a-century, no other text has provided such a solid grounding in basic science, anatomy, operative techniques, and more recently, professional development and leadership training, as Schwartz's Principles of Surgery. Written by the world's foremost surgeons, this landmark reference offers distinctly modern and all-encompassing coverage of every important topic in general surgery. Enhanced by a new two volume presentation, the Eleventh Edition has been completely updated and refreshed with an emphasis on state-of-the-art, evidence-based surgical care. You will find an exciting array of new contributors from around the world, new chapters on cutting-edge topics, plus the acclaimed learning aids that make the material easier to understand and memorize. This outstanding content is bolstered by more than 800 photographs and 1,300 line drawings, most in full color, as well as online videos demonstrating key operations. Here's why the Eleventh Edition is the best edition yet: Six timely new chapters on important topics such as enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS), ambulatory/outpatient surgery, evidence for surgery practice, skills and simulation, and web-based education and social media High-quality full-color design showcases an unsurpassed illustration program Emphasis on high-yield discussion of diagnosis and treatment of surgical disease, arranged by organ system and surgical specialty Acclaimed learning aids (many new to this edition), including an abundance of completely up-to-date tables that summarize the most current evidence, boxed key points, detailed anatomical figures, diagnostic and management algorithms, and an abundance of completely up-to-date tables, and key references More than the field's cornerstone textbook, Schwartz's Principles of Surgery is an international compendium of the knowledge and technique of the world's leading surgeons.
You must create a personal account via AccessSurgery to access the first two resources. Restricted to UTHSCSA domain.
Abernathy's Surgical Secrets by Alden H. Harken; Ernest E. MooreFor more than 30 years, the highly regarded Secrets Series® has provided students and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. Abernathy's Surgical Secrets, 7th Edition, features the Secrets' popular question-and-answer format that also includes lists, tables, and an easy-to-read style - making reference and review quick, easy, and enjoyable. The proven Secrets® format gives you the most return for your time - concise, easy to read, engaging, and highly effective. Covers the full range of essential topics in general surgery for in-training or practicing professionals. Written by global experts and thought leaders in surgery. Top 100 Secrets and Key Points boxes provide a fast overview of the secrets you must know for success in practice and on exams. Portable size makes it easy to carry with you for quick reference or review anywhere, anytime. Fully updated throughout, with clear illustrations, figures, and flow diagrams that expedite study and review. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
ISBN: 9780323478731
Publication Date: 2017-09-14
Case Files Surgery, Sixth Edition by Eugene C. Toy; Terrence H. Liu; Andre R. Campbell; Barnard PalmerReal-life cases sharpen your critical thinking skills for your clerkship and the shelf exam The 60 cases in Case Files Surgery feature realistic clinical scenarios designed to help you enhance and hone your clinical decision-making skills. Each case includes an easy-to-understand discussion correlated to key concepts, definitions of key terms, clinical pearls, and Board-style review questions to reinforce learning. The format allows you to review a patient vignette and then explore/examine the case in a contextual, application-based manner. The book is ideal for both quick-access and slow and careful study. Realistic cases are accompanied by questions that encourage you to think through the differential diagnosis and treatment options Real-life surgery cases with high-yield discussions aligned to clerkship guidelines USMLE-style review questions and clinical pearls accompany each case Primer on how to approach clinical problems and think like an experienced doctor
ISBN: 1260468801
Publication Date: 2021-10-22
Essential Surgery by Clive R. G. Quick (Editor); Suzanne Biers (Editor); Tan Arulampalam (Editor); Philip J. Deakin (Editor)Essential Surgery is well-established as one of the leading textbooks of surgery for medical students, core surgical trainees and those in professions allied to medicine. Covering general surgery, trauma, orthopaedics, vascular surgery, urology, paediatric surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery and ENT, it also incorporates appropriate levels of basic science throughout. The book is ideal to accompany clinical courses, as well as being a practical manual for readers at more advanced levels requiring a revision aid for exams. Its main aim is to stimulate the reader to a greater enjoyment and understanding of the practice of surgery. The uniformity of the writing style and the clarity of elucidation will encourage continued reading, while the emphasis on the principles of surgery will enable a real understanding of the subject matter. The book incorporates a problem-solving approach wherever possible, emphasising how diagnoses are made and why particular treatments are used. The pathophysiological basis of surgical diseases is discussed in relation to their management, acting as a bridge between basic medical sciences and clinical problems. The book's extensive use of original illustrations, colour photographs, radiology images, boxes and tables emphasises important concepts and will promote easy revision of topics. The principles of operative surgery and pre-, peri- and postoperative care are explained together with outlines of common operations, enabling students and trainee surgeons to properly understand procedures and to participate intelligently in the operating department. A major and comprehensive revision of the text has taken full account of the progressive evolution of surgery and includes new scientific and clinical concepts that have advanced medical understanding. Ensuring the book's contents are aligned to the curriculum of the UK Intercollegiate MRCS examination has resulted in the addition of new topics including an emphasis on peri-operative care optimisation, enhanced recovery programmes, antibiotic use and resistance, updated cancer staging, minimally invasive surgery, and the evolving role of interventional radiology. Additional essential governance and management topics are covered, including patient safety, surgical ethics, communication, consent, clinical audit and principles of research. The broad experience of surgical teaching and training of two new editors and many new contributors, all with sub-specialist expertise, have brought a contemporary perspective on the book's contents and its presentation. New national and international guidelines for managing common disorders have been incorporated where appropriate, including major haemorrhage management pathways and trauma. There are new dedicated chapters on major trauma management and elective orthopaedics.
ISBN: 9780702076312
Publication Date: 2020-02-05
Essential Surgical Procedures by Jose M. Velasco, Rana Ballo, Keith Hood, Jennifer Jolley, Daniel Rinewalt, and Benjamin VeenstraEssential Surgical Procedures is accessible on a variety of devices and provides general surgery residents/trainees with a single, portable resource containing procedural related text, images and video, selected from 52 leading surgical reference works and 13 journals published by Elsevier. For each of the 89 procedures, Essential Surgical Procedures delivers clear, definitive guidance on clinical anatomy, perioperative considerations, operative technique as well as highlighting clinical pearls and pitfalls. This content is supplemented with copious line drawings, clinical photographs and, wherever possible, real time video clips capturing key moments of a surgical procedure. Each procedure is accompanied by self-assessment questions and answers together with a brief rationale behind the answers to each question.
ISBN: 0323376886
Publication Date: 2016
Handbook of Perioperative and Procedural Patient Safety by Juan A. Sanchez (Editor); Robert S. D. Higgins (Editor); Paula S. Kent (Editor)Offering a concise yet comprehensive review of current practices in surgery and patient safety, Handbook of Perioperative and Procedural Patient Safety is an up-to date, practical resource for practicing surgeons, anesthesiologists, surgical nurses, hospital administrators, and surgical office staff. Edited by Drs. Juan A. Sanchez and Robert S. D. Higgins and authored by expert contributors from Johns Hopkins, it provides an expansive look at the scope of the problem, causes of error, minimizing errors, surgical suite and surgical team design, patient experience, and other related topics. Presents the knowledge and experience of a multidisciplinary team from Johns Hopkins University, which created the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (CUSP), an approach for improving safety culture and engaging frontline clinicians to identify and mitigate defects in care delivery. Discusses the scope and prevalence of perioperative harm, causes of error in healthcare, and perioperative never events. Covers safe practices, cognitive workload and fatigue, and the effects of noise in the OR. Includes several team-based chapters such as the dynamics of surgical teams, safer perioperative team communication, and the culture of safety. Consolidates today's available information and guidance into a single, convenient resource.
ISBN: 9780323661799
Publication Date: 2023-02-01
The Hands-On Guide to Surgical Training by Matthew StephensonThinking about a surgical career? About to start surgical training? Do you know what to expect and how to thrive? The Hands-on Guide to Surgical Training is the ultimate, practical guide for medical students and junior doctors thinking about taking the plunge into surgery, and also for surgical trainees already in training. It's full of invaluable, practical information and career guidance to ensure you get the most out of your surgical career. It offers general guidance and advice on surgical training, together with detailed information on each of the nine surgical subspecialties, each written by seniors and consultants, as you make both clinical and career-based choices. Undoubtedly one of the most comprehensive resources for surgical trainees available, The Hands-on Guide to Surgical Training will be essential reading throughout your training and surgical career. Take the stress out of surgical training with The Hands-on Guide!
ISBN: 9780470672617
Publication Date: 2012-01-30
Surgery PreTest self-assessment and review by Lillian Kao; Tammy LeeThe closest you can get to seeing the USMLE Step 2 CK without actually taking it Surgery: PreTest Self-Assessment & Review is the perfect way to assess your knowledge of surgery for the USMLE Step 2 CK and shelf exams. You'll find 500 USMLE-style questions and answers that address the clerkship's core competencies along with detailed explanations of both correct and incorrect answers. All questions have been reviewed by students who recently passed the boards and completed their clerkship to ensure they match the style and difficulty level of the exam. 500 USMLE-style questions and answers Detailed explanations for right and wrong answers Targets what you really need to know for exam success Student tested and reviewed