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Create your ORCID profile

  1. Create your ORCID ID dialogVisit and click on register now
  2. Complete the form
  3. Add variants for your name, country, title, keywords to describe your areas of interest, personal website and information, and employment
    • This step can also be performed later

More ORCID settings

Privacy Settings

For each content category (i.e. personal information, employment, etc.) you can share with:

  • everyone for public content that you want visible to anyone using ORCID
  • trusted parties for content that you want to only be visible to trusted parties that you have authorized to view your ORCID
  • only me for information that you want to only be visible to yourself
Linking multiple accounts

If you have more than one ORCID account, those can be merged by contacting ORCID Support. You will need to provide:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • All ORCIDs, specifying which one you want keep