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NURS 7324 - Healthcare Economics & Policy

Library and other resources for Nursing policy

Browzine brings journal content together from multiple publishers and platforms into a single place, where you can save your favorite journals, view the tables of contents, and read or save articles as new issues are released. Browzine can help you:

  • Keep up to date on relevant journals
  • Read through your favorite journals on your tablet or smartphone 
  • Maintain your own electronic bookshelf that brings content to you

It is NOT designed for in-depth research. You will still need to use the databases for literature searches.

Private foundations generally support the work on public charities through grants, rather than administering their own programs. Institutes typically perform research, which can be funded by grants from foundations.

Think Tanks are institutes that conduct research and advocacy on specific topics, like social policy and health care. Think tanks matter because they influence policy in a variety of ways including testifying before Congress, media appearances, and funded research projects. Visit a think tank's website to get ideas about policy issues on the forefront.

Always read the "About" section to determine whether a particular Think Tank will be a good resource. Transparency is key. Determine whether the Think Tank discloses:

  • Financial information
  • Funding sources
  • Leadership information
  • Their Annual Report

Look at:

  • Their Mission Statement
  • Who quotes their work
  • The tone and tenor of their site
  • Their focus--political, economic, aid, etc.