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NURS 6302 - Advanced Pharmacotherapy

What is HSCLink?

You have identified an article you want through one of our library databases, but full text is not included. How do you access full text?

image of HSCLink button

HSCLink is the easiest way to obtain full text of an article from within any of our library databases. You can even use it in Google Scholar! Clicking HSCLink opens a new window, which will either connect you to the full text within the library databases or give you the option to request through Interlibrary Loan. 


What is HSCLink?

HSCLink is based on a service called Full Text Finder. It uses a technology called OpenURL to link from a citation in one database to the full text of the desired article in a different database or journal homepage. Without HSCLink, you would have to search several databases separately to find the full text. Users can also use HSCLink for other services, such as Interlibrary Loan.

Will HSCLink work from off campus?

Yes - faculty, staff, and students with a UT Health San Antonio account may login in from off campus. Click the Off Campus Login button on the library homepage before beginning your search. If you forget this step, don't worry. You will be prompted to login after clicking on the HSCLink button within a database.

When I clicked HSCLink a broken page appears. Why?

Linking to resources is dependent on the metadata provided by the publisher. If the data is incomplete, the result can end up in a broken page. 

HSCLink error image

If you see this page, click on the More Options link or the open the page in a new window link in the yellow banner. More Options will show our current holdings (if any) or next steps. The "open the page in a new window" option goes directly to the publisher site. 

When I clicked the "Full Text Available via" link, I ended up at the journal's homepage instead of the full text article. Why?

We are not able to link directly to articles in every e-journal. HSCLink will take users as close to the article as possible, usually to the journal homepage or table of contents. From there, you will need to navigate to the article you want.

Why are there multiple options for the full text of some articles?

Because of consortia agreements, UT Health San Antonio libraries do have overlapping subscriptions to electronic journals. Some access comes directly from the publisher's site, others are from aggregators like EBSCO or ScienceDirect. While there may be an overlap in journal titles, coverage dates for these may differ. We make multiple options available for users in case of service outages or coverage date differences.

How can I make a comment about HSCLink or report a broken link?

If you find have a question or come across a broken link, notify staff by filling out the Report a problem form.