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NURS 6302 - Advanced Pharmacotherapy

Retrieving Full-Text Articles

Always connect to PubMed from the UT Health San Antonio library site so you will see the HSCLink button in the abstract display. 

Image of HSCLink

HSCLink takes you directly to available full-text articles. 

If the full text is available online, you will be taken to the journal or database website where you can obtain the full text. Once you click on HSCLink, a yellow banner will appear at the top of the page. If linking is not working correctly, click More Options in the upper left corner. Linking is based on data provided by publishers, so there are some titles with quirks. See our guide for additional information on HSCLink

A second option for access is through the Libkey link. If available, a Download PDF button will take users directly to the PDF or html article. 

Image of PubMed citation with Libkey Nomad download PDF button



What happens when we don't have access?

When the library doesn't have access to something you want we'll borrow a copy from another library for you. The HSCLink or Access Options buttons will route you to Interlibrary Loan. Journal articles or book chapters will be sent as a PDF. For books a print copy will be shipped.