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University Archives: Identifying and Preparing Materials for Transfer: Part 2: Preparing Materials

This guide will walk you through evaluating your materials to determine if they are appropriate for the archives.

Start Here

  • The University Archives cannot accept any records that have not met their retention period, have any hold, or records that are still in use, whether active or inactive. 
  • ​​Items sent to the University Archives that do not align with the scope or criteria of the collections will not be retained and either returned to the sender or properly disposed of. 

Step 1 - Set up a Consultation

Contact the University Archives to schedule a review of records: or 210-450-8260.

Depending on the types of records, an assessment can be conducted on-site, via TEAMS, or by email to determine if the items meet the criteria for transfer to the Archives.

Step 2 - Box Your Files

Once materials have been approved for transfer, box records in the original file folders and in the same order they were maintained. Please do not separate or mix files. 

Step 3 - Complete Forms

Two forms must be completed before transfer – these forms are provided by archives staff after the review:

  • Transfer Authorization Form (Unit Head authorizes legal transfer) 
  • Archives Transfer Inventory Form (detailed list of box contents) 

Step 4 - Submit Forms

Email a copy of both forms to

Keep a copy of the completed forms for your records and send the original signed copies with the boxed material, either attached to the exterior or placed inside Box 1. 

Step 5 - Schedule Transfer

Your department will need to arrange for materials to be transferred to the University Archives -- located on the 5th floor of the Briscoe Library. Archives staff will not pick up materials.

Please contact Archives staff to let us know what date and estimated time the materials will be arriving so we can plan to receive them.

Step 6 - Finalize Process

Paperwork will be reviewed and signed for receipt.  

Archives Information

The UT Health San Antonio University Archives are located on the 5th floor of the Briscoe Library.

Archives Staff

University Archivist: Diane Fotinos
Senior Archive Assistant: Mellisa DeThorne

Contact Information

Telephone: 210-450-8260​ 

Caution: Do not leave boxes of materials unattended in the library.