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University Archives: Identifying and Preparing Materials for Transfer: Part 1: Evaluating Materials

This guide will walk you through evaluating your materials to determine if they are appropriate for the archives.

Start Here: Checking for Archival Codes

Once records have met their retention period and no holds are present, the first step is to see if they have an Archival Code attached.

Archival Codes are predefined markers that tell you specifically what needs to be done with a record.

You can find the code by searching for the record in the Records Retention Schedule.

Follow these guidelines to identify your records:

  • Archive Code “O” = records must be reviewed by archives staff 
  • Archive Code “I” = transfer for long-term preservation 

Both O and I records will be reviewed by archive staff before an official transfer.

Records with a retention code are easy; the decision if they should be sent to the archives has been made for you. ​Records without a code require more evaluation to determine if they belong in the archives or not. ​

To begin, consider:

Archival records document the history of the university and the UT Health San Antonio Community.   

  • Are the items unique and offer administrative, historical, and research value?  
  • Do the records have relevance to the university’s mission?  

Archival records can exist in any format but we cannot accept all formats.  

  • Is this record in an obsolete technological format, such as floppy disk or laserdisc? 

Always ask Archives Staff about floppy disks or other obsolete formats as we may be unable to retrieve the information. Microfilm is not accepted. 

Once you ask yourself these questions, refer to the lists on the following tabs for guidance on item types; they represent broad categories and examples. 

Searching the Records Retention Schedule

Want to learn how to search the Records Retention Schedule? Watch the video below for a step-by-step tutorial.