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NURS 7304 - State of the Science

Getting full text copies of articles

Once you have completed your search and want to read the article, there are 4 ways to get access:

LibKey Nomad Install the LibKey Nomad browser extension and the extension will automatically look for full text access to any articles you find. This is the easiest way to find full text for most items. libkey nomad provided by library pop up
Use the HSCLink If you start from the library website, every citation should have the HSCLink embedded in it. This is the next best option if LibKey does not work, or you have not installed LibKey. An image showing the HSCLink button
Use the eJournal Locator If the HSCLink doesn't work, navigate to the library's homepage and search for the journal by title. An image showing the ejournal locator
Find a free copy Use Google Scholar to see if it is freely available by copying and pasting the title. Be sure to check the version. An image showing search results in Google Scholar with links to freely available pdf versions of the full text
Use Interlibrary Loan If the full text article is not available by any of the methods above, you can ask the library to get a copy for you using the interlibrary loan (ILL) service. This is free for students! An image showing the interlibrary loan button for requesting articles not in the library's collection


LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is the quickest way to connect to UT Health San Antonio Libraries subscriptions. See the LibKey Nomad Guide for detailed help installing and using this browser extension.

Use the links to find full text

PubMed does not attach full text to its citations. You may need to use the publisher's link, the HSCLink, or one of the free links.

  • Publisher's link - when you are using LibKey Nomad
  • HSCLink - when you have already logged in through the library website
  • Use the "open" or "free" links

Full text links: BMJ Free Full Text, and PMC Free Full Text

If HSCLink doesn't bring up the full text you have a few other options.

Use the eJournal Finder

Search for the journal in the library catalog.

  • The Online Access line will tell you the years we have access to.
  • The Online Access link will take you to the online archives for that journal.

options if hsc link doesn't return the article

Use Interlibrary Loan

If the library doesn't have access to the article you can request it through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

  • We will order a copy for you and send you a digital copy.
  • This service is free for students in most cases.
  • This service is usually quick, but can take 2-3 business days.