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Liaison Librarians: Home

Find out how your UT Health liaison librarian can help you

Mission statement

Liaison librarians support the institution’s efforts in education, research and clinical care by actively collaborating with the UT Health San Antonio community to provide expertise in the use and creation of knowledge.

How can we help you?

Liaison librarians serve as the primary point of contact in the library for the faculty, staff and students in their respective schools. Our services include:

Literature searching

Your liaison librarian can conduct a mediated literature search of library databases to support research projects, publications or grants. To get started, contact the liaison for your school (see box to the right). 

Structured review service

Liaison librarians support evidence-based healthcare practice and research at UT Health San Antonio by providing guidance and expertise to those conducting structured literature reviews, such as systematic, scoping, integrative or rapid reviews. Start your request today: Structured Review Service.

Digital learning objects

Creation and integration of digital learning objects into librarian-led training such as:

Research support and consultation

Meet with faculty, staff and students individually (or in small groups) to offer guidance in finding appropriate resources, searching library databases and more. Contact your liaison librarian to request a virtual or in-person consultation. 

Library Liaison FAQs

Your liaison librarian is determined by your school:

You can call, email or meet virtually or in person with your liaison librarian.

During public hours you can always contact our AskaLibrarian service. Or your liaison librarian can match you with another librarian who can help you.

AskaLibrarian is a service provided by library staff during public hours (9am-5pm). You can reach someone directly to get your library-related questions answered by:

Chris Gaspard

Chris Gaspard

Associate Director for Liaison Services & Liaison to Long School of Medicine

Matt Hayward

Matt Hayward

Liaison to the School of Nursing


Rebecca Howe

Rebecca Howe

Liaison to the School of Health Professions

Jeff Uribe-Lacy

Jeff Uribe-Lacy

Liaison to the School of Dentistry, Graduate School, and School of Public Health

Library skills training

We offer training in person or online. Faculty and liaison librarians work together to create customized training sessions. To schedule a training session contact the liaison librarian for your school (see box above).

Sessions can include one or more of the following topics:

Library orientation

How to navigate the library website, access the library catalog and databases (including books, eBooks and eJournals) and how to use interlibrary loan. 

Evidence-based practice (EBP)

This session covers the basics of evidence-based practice including the EBP process, hierarchy of evidence, the PICO method and searching the evidence. 

Database searching

Demonstrate use of one or more databases such as: PubMed, CINAHL, TRIP and more! Introduce users to advanced search techniques and strategies for thinking critically about information. 

Citation management

Learn how to create and manage your references. The library supports:

Create bibliographies and cite in your preferred citation style.

Creating and presenting a professional poster session

An introductory one-hour class that covers the creation of a digital or printer poster, presentation skills and best practices for poster sessions at professional conferences and meetings.