The left side bar of the search results page contains filters to help focus the search.
Note: The "Free full text" filter does not include the UT Health San Antonio subscriptions. These are resources freely available online. Use the HSCLink to find an accurate listing of UT Health San Antonio Library subscriptions.
Show Additional Filters
The default list of filter categories does not include all options. Click on the link labeled "Show additional filters" to add categories to the list. Filters are available to focus your search results by article types, text availability, publication dates, species, languages, sex, subjects, journal categories, ages, and search fields.
Type of article, Species, Sex, and Ages are based on terms added by indexers. When these filters are selected they remove very recent articles that have not been indexed. Always look for the most recent search results before adding these filters.
Activated filters display on Search Result pages. Filters stay selected during the search session, or until you change/clear them.