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Emergency Medicine Clerkship Resource Guide: Key Info

Published Guidelines

Emergency Medicine Clinical Practice Guidelines & Policies, published by the American College of Physicians.

Medical practice guidelines summarize the best practice in a particular area of healthcare. They define important questions related to clinical practice and outline decision options and their outcomes. The intent is to improve the connection between evidence and practice, raise the standard of care, and guide the decision-making process.

Historically, medical practice guidelines were based on tradition. Modern guidelines are written by medical associations or governmental organization using the most current data and best evidence.


National Guideline Clearinghouse

The NGC offers a database of guidelines that is:

  • evidence-based
  • geared toward clinical-practice
  • maintained by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • verified annually
  • updated weekly

Users can:

  • create personal accounts
  • find guidelines by topic
  • find guidelines by organization
  • compare guidelines