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Plagiarism and Citing

Adapted from the Victoria University Library, Melbourne LibGuide.


Created by Bainbridge College

Definition of Plagiarize

"To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source." -- Merriam-Webster

Types of plagiarism: 

  • Directly quoting other people's words from online or printed sources without acknowledgement (you also need to acknowledge using images, tables, graphs, statistics, videos, music, formulae, laboratory data)

  • Paraphrasing or summarizing someone else’s thoughts or ideas without crediting and citing your source (even using someone else’s ideas and rewriting it in your own words needs to be referenced)

  • Careless or incomplete citing of your source

  • Insufficient acknowledgement - if you acknowledge the author's work the first time but continue to use the author's words without additional attribution

  • Copying or buying an essay and handing it in as your own work

  • Falsely creating a reference that doesn't exist

  • Presenting another person's research data as your own

  • Collusion - presenting an assignment as your own independent work when it has been produced in whole or part with other people (for example another, collaborator, student or tutor).

 Plagiarism may be:

  • Deliberate (eg. buying an essay and submitting it as your own work)

  • Accidental (eg. incorrectly referencing the work of others because of carelessness or lack of academic skills)

 The consequences for plagiarism apply even for unintentional plagiarism.

Read the section on Plagiarism in the UT Health Academic Dishonesty Policy for more details.

Detecting plagiarism

  • The writing style and language are above the level at which the student usually writes.

  • The student uses jargon or specialized terminology that is inconsistent with the student’s level of knowledge.

  • The quality of writing is inconsistent. The beginning and ending of the paper is deficient, but the rest of the paper is well written.

  • The paper contains references to citations that are not included in the reference list.

  • The reference list is inaccurate or incomplete.

