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PubMed: Ten Tips

Adapted from the UNC Chapel Hill Pubmed Ten Tips guide.

Clinical Queries

The link to Clinical Queries is in the PubMed Tools column found on the PubMed opening page.

Clinical Queries is a PubMed interface that applies pre-set search filters to focus your search in three areas. Search for a term to see category options.

  1. COVID-19 Articles

    1. Categories: General; Mechanism; Transmission; Diagnosis; Treatment; Prevention; Case Report; or Forecasting

  2. Clinical Study Categories - Citations are filtered to a specific clinical study category and scope.

    1. Categories: Therapy; Clinical Prediction Guides; Diagnosis; or Prognosis

    2. Scope: Broad or Narrow

Image of Pubmed clinical queries page


If you are particularly interested in evidence based practice, check out our libguides on the subject.