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Psychiatry Clerkship Resource Guide: Key Info


APA - American Psychiatric Association - working toward a society that has available, accessible, quality psychiatric diagnosis and treatment. Free memberships for medical students. Access to live learning, publications, career development, mentoring, and more.

The Federation of Texas Psychiatry - composed of Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians, the Texas Academy of Psychiatry, and the Texas Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.  It represents and enhances the profession of Psychiatry in Texas, promoting human health through education, science, and practice.

Psychiatry Tools

Counseling and Therapy in VideoVolume I (1985-2010) and Volume II (2005+) - Video collection featuring multiple therapeutic methods and diagnoses, insight into the human condition, and putting therapuetic concepts into practice.

APA Online Assessment Measures - offers patient measures to enhance clinical decision-making which can be administered at initial patient interview and to monitor treatment.

SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions Screening Tools - produced by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, these screening tools enable early identification of mental health and substance use disorders. 



Published Guidelines

Clinical Practice Guidelines, published by the American Psychiatric Association

Medical practice guidelines summarize the best practice in a particular area of healthcare. They define important questions related to clinical practice and outline decision options and their outcomes. The intent is to improve the connection between evidence and practice, raise the standard of care, and guide the decision-making process.

Historically, medical practice guidelines were based on tradition. Modern guidelines are written by medical associations or governmental organization using the most current data and best evidence.