The protocol sets the systematic review apart from other literature reviews, and is part of what makes it a valid research methodology. It is very important. It will include:
PRISMA definition: A systematic review protocol describes the rationale, hypothesis, and planned methods of the review. It should be prepared before a review is started and used as a guide to carry out the review.
This is especially important because a systematic review is a research method that can guide clinical decision-making. However, protocols can be useful for other review types as well.
Benefits to writing a protocol:
See the links below for examples of protocol templates.
Rather than registering a protocol, you may opt to publish it in a journal. Protocols for systematic reviews are widely accepted for publication; a limited number of journals publish protocols for scoping reviews.
The advice for publishing systematic reviews also applies to publishing protocols. A journal that accepts systematic reviews may also accept protocols. Perhaps the journal's editors can suggest where to register/publish a protocol before submitting the review for publication.
PROSPERO is an international registery of systematic review protocols. The journal JBI Evidence Synthesis accepts systematic reviews and protocols.
See the links below for more ideas about where to submit. In addition, some subject-specific journals may publish protocols. You will need to check the scope and author information for relevant journals.