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PHYT 7005: Exercise Physiology of Rehabilitation: PICO

Four Elements of the Clinical Question

PICO: A mnemonic device to help formulate a clinical question and search strategy by identifying key concepts. 

P Patient/Population Describe your patient or the problem - be specific
I Intervention/Indicator Treatment, cause, prognostic factor, etc.
C Comparison/Control Compared to another treatment or standard of care (optional)
O Outcome Improvement or negative effects?


What are their most important characteristics?

  • primary problem
  • disease state
  • co-existing condition

Describe your patient specifically:

  • Sex
  • Age
  • Ethnicity
  • Socioeconomic factors

ALWAYS include this piece in your search.


What do you want to do for the patient?

  • Order a test
  • Prescribe a drug
  • Order a procedure

Other considerations:

  • Main intervention
  • Prognostic factors
  • Exposures

Almost always include this piece in your search.


What is the alternate intervention, if any?

  • A different drug
  • No medication
  • A Placebo
  • A different test
  • A different procedure

It is less common to include this piece in a search.


What are you hoping to achieve, measure, or change for the patient?

  • Alleviate symptoms
  • Improve test results
  • Reduce adverse events
  • Improve function

Could also be the result NOT desired.

Sometimes include this piece in your search.

Example Questions

1. Can closed kinetic chain shoulder exercises (intervention) increase the peak torque of shoulder internal- and external rotation (outcome) of a youth baseball player with subacromial impingement syndrome (patient)?

2. For adults with low back pain (patient), do spinal stabilization exercises (intervention) reduce pain and increase function (outcome) more effectively than manual therapy (comparison)?