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Basic Research Design for Health Interventions - A Short Course: Conducting Lit Review


Research Process:  a general strategy for gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data to answer a question.

Research Strategy Schema

  • Quantitative researchinvolves measurement of outcomes using numerical data under standardized conditions.
    • may be used all along the continuum of research
    • may be obtained using formal instruments which address physical or physiological parameters or by putting subjective information into an objective numerical scale.
  • Qualitative researchmore concerned with a deep understanding of a phenomenon through narrative description – typically obtained under less structured conditions.
    • generally applied to descriptive or exploratory research
    • based on open-ended questions, interviews, and observations

Research classifications (based on objective of research):

  • Basic research:  done to obtain empirical data that can be used to develop, refine, or test theory.
    • directed toward the acquisition of new knowledge
    • typically done in laboratory – “bench research”
  • Applied research:  directed toward solving immediate practical problems and testing theories that direct practice
    • usually carried out under actual practice conditions – “clinical research”

*Clinical research is often a hybrid of both basic and applied science.

Translational research: application of basic scientific findings to clinically relevant issues, and simultaneously, the generation of scientific questions based on clinical dilemmas.

  • taking knowledge from “bench to bedside”


The Research Question: Purpose

The research question dictates:

  • The goal of the study
  • A summary of what is to be achieved
  • The methodology
  • The who, what, when, why, how, where, condition, intervention questions
  • The type of analysis

Davidson, M. Where to Start When Designing a Research Project: Part I